Saturday, April 28, 2018

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon Opening Meme Post

Seems I only post here when there's a readathon going.  Here's my response to the Dewey 24 Hour readathon opening meme

1) Where: I'm reading in Atlanta. 
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? Hardest question. I really want to read Liz Fekete's book Europe's Fault Lines: Racism and the Rise of the Right but I also just finished most of a school year and might instead like to take a break from serious reading about politics for 24 hours. In that case, I'll probably divide my time between Six Wakes and the first volume of Norman Sherry's bio of Graham Greene, which is what I'm starting with. 
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? hot Buffalo flavored pop-chips
4) About me: I'm a college professor and I run an annual academic reading challenge . Also, this blog is supposed to be about both music and reading, but I haven't done enough with it this year.
5) Do differently? This is my second time doing the readathon, and this year, I'm hoping to do more challenges than I did the first time, and hopefully go comment on other people's blogs. 

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