Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bout of Books 40 Update - Monday-Wednesday

 I read a little bit in the morning, but spent most of Monday at a work mini-conference and then had a post-work plan with a friend, so I didn't get much reading done on the first day of this readathon. 

On Tuesday, I read about 40 pages of Edward-Isaac Dovere's Battle for the Soul and 75 pages of Michael Gould-Wartofksy's The Occupiers, which is my 'read-for-work' book of the moment. This was my best day so far. 

On Wednesday, I had hopes to match Tuesday, but I was distracted and didn't read that much, though I did pick up three books at the public library (two holds that came in: Volker Ulrich,Germany 1923, Calla Henkel, Other People's Clothes and impulse shelf pick of John Safran, God'll Cut You Down) as well as several comics at the comics shop in the evening, including the first two issues of Matt Kindt's new series If You Find This I'm Already Dead which had been accumulating in the "large issues" box along with Jeff Lemire's new run of Swamp Thing

Today's music, in honor of reading about Occupy Wall Street is Lupe Fiasco's anthem, with video brought to you by "Shit Scott Walker is Doing to My State" (what that SSWIDTMS stamped on the video means).

I forgot to do the last couple of photo challenges, so I'll have to start doing those again. I guess I still have 4 potential good reading days before this week is over. Onward! 

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