Thursday, August 23, 2018

Bout of Books Days 3 & 4

I knew it would happen: It's the second week of classes where I teach, so this is not my best reading time. I've had to prioritize re-reading things I'm teaching. That means I've been dipping back into Manoush Zomorodi's Bored and Brilliant, which I've assigned to my MA thesis students as a way to detach from social media and give themselves more time for "deep work." I highly, highly recommend this book, which in addition to being useful, actually does a good job summarizing more scholarly work on the impact of social media on attention, work and personal relationships.

Both this morning and yesterday, I spent the first part of the day reading Dennis King's Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism. While this book is relatively old, it covers a subject that is unfortunately relevant again as LaRouche-ism found a new home in Post-Soviet Russia, and elsewhere through the reign of "Post-Truth."  Remember those weird signs at the Obama healthcare town halls back in 2009? They were often being carried by LaRouchies.

Yesterday afternoon, I read a chunk of another book about earlier right wing politics, Nicole Hemmer's Messengers of the Right, which describes right wing media efforts going back to the 1950s, including many people I'd never heard of before. It's definitely worth reading for anyone interested in politics and media history. Much of what we think was new in the 1990s - such as right wing talk radio - had roots going back to much earlier media networks. This book is one of a few books going back to find linkages between the very far right and so-called "moderate" right prior to the rise of Reagan, and is similar to Edward Miller's excellent book on the Dallas GOP: Nut Country

In the evenings, I've been reading Edgar Canero's Meddling Kids which is so far not too horrifying, and pretty amusing. We'll see how dark it gets.

total pages read so far: about 140, I'd guess.

Day 4 Challenge: Book Trip

If I followed these books, I'd start in New York City, head to London,  go on to the Faroe Islands, then head for Berlin, followed by Sarajevo, and on to Japan before heading back to New York - this time in Queens.
Here's my   Book Trip Map

I'm doing the BOB photo challenge updates at rebnhill on instagram if you want to see them.

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